Thursday, June 26, 2014

Romance isn't dead, just hard to find
Ok I can't say I like this article but I am posting for a reason... This article basically suggests that "the notebook" created an unrealistic ideal for love in general. In some ways for our modern day world perhaps these things are true, but A) I've still heard some pretty epic love stories or things men have done for their ladies. B) this movie was set at least 50 years ago!!! Of course you could romantically lay in the street in the middle of the night (in my old town you probably still could) there will be things we can't still do today but how does that make it unrealistic?
Unlikely? Oh yeah, but I've known men that go the distance romantically and I believe that if you are genuinely wanting that kind of love it could happen though it may not constantly be that way. Enjoy your love. Enjoy the big moments and the small ones!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Please don't lie

Here is a statement that few will read, fewer will listen to, but a few will take heed of...

Please people, even the few that decide to read this, do not lie to those you love. I know that no one is blameless when it comes to white lies, or even an occasional whopper, leaving us asking ourselves later, "Why did I even lie about that?" or "Why did I change that detail?" For some reason, there is an odd need to lie sometimes, but you know what? That is not being human... being human does not mean giving into our worst desires--being human is being aware of those desires and understanding the difference.
Today more than ever our generation uses the excuse, "I'm only human..." as an excuse for bad behavior, but what if instead when we do something good we say, "What can I say? I'm only human!" Let being human be a good thing instead of something that defines a cruel, insensitive race that cares only for themselves.
I have personally been injured by terrible lies, and lies piled on lies. Causing me to ask the question, "Why is he even lying anymore when I told him I knew he was lying?" why is it that there is a need to cover your butt, when you've already been caught in deceit? Be honest people... own up to what has happened. People will either love you through it anyway, or let you go. Sometimes when people let go it is because we pushed them beyond their breaking point... that doesn't mean they stopped believing in you, it just means they got tired of trying for now. You haven't lost that trust and belief forever, but just until you transform your heart.
I was the person that was absolutely willing to love through all the lies, in hopes that he would finally show his honesty, but instead I was bit in the but because of my kindness... please don't do this to people!
There are good people under those lies, and that is what I believe in for people, no matter what they have done... but goodness people, you need to be willing to change from that lying past. It's ok to admit what has happened, but unless you start to trust those you love enough to tell them the truth, how can you expect to grow from it?
Let's grow together instead of further apart!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Right here

Where are you sir?
   the one that I am meant for....

Where are you my one?
   shouldn't we know each other yet?
   shouldn't we be starting our story?

Where are you my love?
   Can you really wait any longer?

Where are you sir...?
   you're right here, aren't you?
   right under my nose.

there you are

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


A raindrop on our soul
  a rainbow on my entire life

Who are you on this road
   to impact me from so far?

A hero to my damsel
  a kingdom to my king

Who are you on this journey
   that you will still find me when I need you?

You are the warrior in peacetime
   and the sunshine through the rain

You are the King of my heart
   and yet a mystery to my eyes

You are....